Year: 2013

  • Seven Commandments for Leaders Who Truly Lead

    Written By Joey Cope You’ve been there. Things are going well for you and those around you. Then suddenly, problems arise. And true leaders step forward. She’s not always the one with the clearest voice. He’s not the person you’d picture on the bubble gum trading card. But, in the moment, they are clearly leaders. The world…

  • The First C: Communication

    Written by Joey Cope Originally posted on You know that feeling you get? The one that starts deep in your stomach and then expands to point that breathing becomes tough? That feeling. Anxiety surfaces in a lot of situations. Apprehension of things to come. Fear of things both seen and unseen. And that fear and apprehension can…

  • The Second C: Conversation

    Written by Joey Cope Originally posted on When it comes to conflict, are your only two options fight or flight? In a previous post, I encouraged you, whenever you find yourself in conflict, to continue to communicate with those around you — particularly those with whom you disagree. I defined communication as “the measured, yet free-flow,…

  • The Third C: Community

    Written by Joey Cope Originally posted on “Do you see what I mean?” he asked. The frustration in his eyes was giving way to anger. “We had this all worked out,” he said. “We had a plan. I agreed to give in to most of her demands. In turn, she agreed to be more supportive…